406-324-1370 | September 12, 2024

From the Hawk’s Nest


Our lost and found is ​already accumulating ​various student ​belongings. Please stop by ​to check it out if you are ​missing anything!

Parent council INFO

Parent council met this Wednesday for their monthly ​meeting. These are open to all Hawthorne ​parents/guardians. The meetings are also available via ​Zoom.

Friendly reminder:

If your children arrive after the bell ​and pledge, please walk them down ​the ramp and check them in to the ​office. They need to be signed in by a ​guardian after other students are ​inside.

IMPORtant dates:

September 11: Parent council meeting at 12:00

September 16: Fabulous Firsts

September 26th: Merritt and Carson field trip ​to Gates of the Mountains

September 27th: Merritt and Carson field trip ​to PowWow at the fairgrounds

September 30th: Class pictures and ​individual picture retakes

October 3rd: 5th grade Water Watchers field ​trip-all day

October 8th: Higgins and Novak field tri to the ​fire station

October 8 & 10: fall conferences and BOOK ​FAIR!!

October 17-18: NO SCHOOL MEA days

Principal’s Corner:

We are wrapping up the first full week of the school year!

Most students have completed their beginning of the

year benchmarking assessments on iReady. We will finish

these up early next week and then use those scores to

begin planning for WIN groups, starting the week of 9/23. We have had 2 ​of our practice drills already this year. Students practiced a Lock in-place ​drill on Wednesday this week. It is not an easy drill to practice as it brings ​thoughts of safety close to our minds, but it is so important to give ​students the opportunity to practice in a non-emergency situation. We ​are mindful of what we share with kids after these drills. Thank you for ​your continued support as we work with our kids through these ​situations. I have added upcoming field trips to the important dates for ​your information. Have a great weekend!


We have been having some issues with smart watches in the ​classrooms. The school and district expectation is the same for ​watches and smart phones (see below). Thank you for your ​support in this.

"Use of a cell phone of any type (including phone watches) in buildings or ​during class time will result in the phone or watch being confiscated and held ​in the office unless the phone or watch is being used as a part of a teacher-​directed educational and time limited activity. Phones are to remain off from ​8:00 a.m. To 3:15 p.m. At no time should phones be used for text messaging or ​photographs. Students are not to loan their cell phones to others to use."

Hawthorne Information

Bell Schedule

Mondays= 8:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M.

Tuesdays-Fridays= 8:30 A.M. to 3:15 P.M.

Playground supervision begins at 8:00 AM as does breakfast- there is not adult supervision before 8:00.

Dismissal- Students will be dismissed to the playground. Supervision will last from 2:30-2:45 on Monday ​and from 3:15-3:30 Monday-Friday. After that time, students will be pulled into the office and families ​called for pickup. Please call the office if you are running late for any reason.

The new Symphony Kids season opens with an ​original show called “The Grimm Princesses” ​featuring princesses from Grimm fairy tales: ​Rapunzel, Briar Rose, Cinderella, and Snow White. ​The music accompanying our story is from ​Dvorak’s String Serenade.

This is a completely free concert for families ​happening at St. Paul's United Methodist Church ​on September 28th, at 10 am. Please find the ​attached poster. All of our Symphony Kids ​concerts are Grimm-themed this year because of ​the Hansel & Gretel opera coming up in November.

The 9th Annual Helena Sun Run will take place ​Saturday, October 5, 2024 at the soon-to-be-​opened new Helena Food Share headquarters! ​(1280 Boulder Ave). Click here for the RunSignUp ​registration page. The goal of the event is to ​support clean energy and climate solutions in ​Montana’s capital city. All proceeds from this ​year’s event will support the installation of solar ​photovoltaic arrays at this exciting new facility.

1 mile and bicycle parade starts at 10:00 (this ​event is untimed); Timed 5k starts at 10:30.

Art lessons with Ms. Em started ​this week. We will have ​opportunities to order your ​child’s artwork on a variety of ​items in time for Christmas this ​year!!


Hello Hawthorne Families,

MT Wild is celebrating Bear Aware ​Month—see flyer for fun events for ​the whole family​. Students will have ​a chance to checkout and read a ​book about a bear and earn a free ​bear poster to take home!

Happy Reading,

Mrs. Linder